TeenStreet UK 2025

Capernwray Hall
Capernwray, Carnforth, LA6 1AG, United Kingdom
About TeenStreet UK 2025
Join us 2nd - 8th August 2025.
Bookings close on 30th June 2025 so sign up soon!
Thank you for choosing to Register for TeenStreet UK.
- If you are looking to book on behalf of a group (a group co-ordinator) you will be able to set up a group during your own application. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]
- If you are a parent registering a teen as part of a group and you have been given a unique group code by your group co-ordinator, then please enter it into the box provided at the beginning of the application process: Option 1 - enter the group code you have been given by your church group, then press join group.
- If you are parent registering a teen as an individual and not as part of a group booking, at the beginning of the application process please ensure you click on Option 3 – buy tickets if you are not attending as part of a group.
- If you are looking to volunteer for the service team, please note that you must pay in full when applying. We will process your application form, and then perform any required additional checks before approving you onto the Service Team.
- All tickets require payment in full on application.
Teen Camping Ticket (Bring your own tent)
13-17 year old teen participant. ~ Please note you will need to provide your own tent, bedding, and equipment. ~ |
£150.00 | Buy |
Teen Dorm Ticket
13-17 year old teen participant - On-site accommodation in dorms. Limited Availability |
£260.00 | Buy |
Adult Camping Ticket (18+)
Adult 18+ ~ Please note you will need to provide your own tent, bedding, and equipment. ~ Thank you so much for being willing to come and serve at the TeenStreet 2025 Summer Event. As part of the event, we have asked each adult camping to contribute a minimum of £90 for the week. This helps us to cover the basic costs of your food and camping facilities throughout the week. We would be so grateful if you could consider making an additional contribution, if you’re able, to help us cover additional costs and to subsidise those who may not be able to afford to contribute as much, both for teens and adults. Your contribution means a lot to us, and we’re looking forward to serving alongside you at TeenStreet in the summer! |
Pay as you feel | Buy |
Adult Dorm Ticket (18+)
Adult 18+ ~ Please note, dorm spaces are limited and allocated on a first-come first-serve basis. ~ Thank you so much for being willing to come and serve at the TeenStreet 2025 Summer Event. As part of the event, we have asked each adult staying in a dorm to contribute a minimum of £145 for the week. This helps us to cover the basic costs of your food and accommodation throughout the week. We would be so grateful if you could consider making an additional contribution, if you’re able, to help us cover additional costs and to subsidise those who may not be able to afford to contribute as much, both for teens and adults. Your contribution means a lot to us, and we’re looking forward to serving alongside you at TeenStreet in the summer! |
Pay as you feel | Buy |
Operation Mobilisation
Organiser of TeenStreet UK 2025